Episode 5: Servant Leadership

“Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant…For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Jesus speaking to His disciples, Matthew 20:25,28 NLT)

The concept of servant leadership has been around for ages, more recently made popular in the business world through Robert Greenleaf’s article in 1970 and adopted by a number of today’s business leaders. Regardless of our position or role, we can all be servant leaders because this is about serving others first. We dive into how this idea intersects with our goal of recovery and sobriety because for so long we were self-serving as we served our addiction like it was a “needy child”. When we change our mindset from using people to get what we want, to instead choosing to serve them and seek their best, then we get down to what it really means to be sober servant leaders. In this episode we discuss this concept and what it means for us practically in our everyday lives, give it a listen. Hit me up to continue the conversation.


Episode 6: Discouragement In Recovery


Episode 4: Memories